Space Vulture by Gary K. Wolf and Archbishop John J. Myers

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Space Vulture - A New Science Fiction Novel by Gary K. Wolf and Archbishop John J. Myers




Space Vulture

What great fun!

This book harkens back to the serial adventures of Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon. In this book, the hero, Captain Victor Corsaire, is completely and utterly heroic, even to the point of absurdity at times. And the villain, Space Vulture, is pure and utterly villainous - completely proud, self-absorbed, and incredibly powerful. Indeed, Space Vulture actually believes that the space zombies he creates from his conquered captives actually want to be his slaves, preferring his control over their lives in contrast to their own pathetic decisions.

I had a great time reading this, and I hope, like all good space operas, that this is not the final adventure of Captain Corsaire or the ultimate demise of Space Vulture.

--Reviewed by Rich Vincent

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